Cartridge Commands on Prodigy and Dimension Systems

Controller commands that control cartridges on a Prodigy/Dimension system.

  • DP - Cartridge Present
  • ER - Read EEPROM
  • ES - EEPROM Status
  • EW - Write EEPROM
  • LC - Load Cartridge
  • ML - Material Loaded
  • RC - Replace Cartridge
  • UC - Unload Cartridge

DP - Cartridge Present

The dp command queries the selected cartridge slot to determine if the Smart Spool EEPROM is connected. It will return Present or Absent, and the cartridge slot checked.


The er message reads the EEPROM data from the specified cartridge. Parameter one selects the cartridge, 0 indicates the model material cartridge, and 1 indicates the support material cartridge. Parameter two is the offset within the EEPROM to be read. The offset is the number of bytes from the beginning of the EEPROM to index into the EEPROM before the read begins. The third parameter is the length, this is the number of bytes to read. The er command returns the chip ID, and the offset and the length to the SBC. If this command is issued through the terminal, the chip ID and the data block are displayed on the terminal.

ES - EEPROM Status

The es service tells the modeler that the EEPROM data is correct (1) or has error (0).


The ew message writes EEPROM data to the specified cartridge. Parameter one specifies the cartridge, 0 indicates the model material cartridge, and 1 indicates the support material cartridge. Parameter two specifies the offset within the EEPROM to write in bytes. Parameter three indicates the length of the data block. Parameters 4 through n are the data to be written. If this command is sent through the terminal, the data should be comma or space separated, and the command will echo the data that it wrote to the EEPROM to the terminal.

LC - Load Cartridge

The lc command message stands for load cartridge. This command moves the selected cartridge’s filament from the cartridge to the modeling head. If parameter one is 2 then both cartridges will be loaded.

ML - Material Loaded

The ml command tells the controller if the material is either loaded (1) or unloaded (0).

RC - Replace Cartridge

The rc command message stands for replace cartridges. The machine will unlatch the selected cartridges, and wait for them to be removed. Once the selected cartridge is removed, the cartridge latch will set, and a new cartridge can be inserted. If parameter one is 2 then both cartridges are replaced. If too much time passes during this command it will fail for time-out.

UC - Unload Cartridge

The uc command message stands for unload cartridge. This command unloads the selected material from the head. If the parameter is set to 2 both cartridges are unloaded.